
可接受的 & 道德的使用


A. 目的

This acceptable and ethical use policy is intended to provide 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College (WVC) technology users, including but not limited to employees, students, guests and vendors, with guidelines for responsible and appropriate use of the WVC computing 技术资源. WVC拥有所有学院的计算机系统和应用程序, including professional development 设备, and reserves the right to determine, at any time, what constitutes appropriate use of 学院 network, 设备 and resources. 技术 resources are provided to support 学院's mission, including educational, 研究及行政职能. WVC信息技术的作用 department is to foster and support the learning processes, provide services for students, faculty, and staff, and facilitate connectivity between college sites, the community, on-line learning resources, and other educational colleges, in accordance with the 华盛顿州的法律法规.

This policy does not intend to expand, diminish, or alter academic freedom but to provide an appropriate framework for the proper exercise of those freedoms consistent 华盛顿州的法律和学术自由条款.

This policy applies to all users who may be authorized to use any WVC technology resources and applies to the use of state resources at WVC facilities or any use of WVC technology 资源,不论其位置.

B. 一般的指导方针

  1.  可接受的使用
    Authorized use of WVC’s electronic information resources must comply with the mission 并与完成学院的既定目标直接相关 战略成果并符合 WAC 292-110-010 – Use of State 资源, including, learning, teaching, research and college business.
  2. 负责任的使用
    用户 are expected to use 学院's technology resources responsibly, ethically, 并遵守适用的法律法规和学校政策. 用户必须 respect the rights of others and must not engage in 活动 that may disrupt or 危及技术资源的完整性、可用性或安全性.
  3. 所有权及自用
    用户应该 understand that 学院’s technology resources are the 财产 of 华盛顿州. 而合理的个人使用是允许的 使用概述的标准 WAC 292-110-010, such use should not interfere with academic or work-related 活动, violate 任何法律或法规或导致学院的额外费用. 学院 如有必要,保留监控和限制个人使用的权利.

C. 设备使用情况

  1. 授权使用
    用户 may only use 设备 authorized by 学院 for academic or work-related 活动. 未经授权的设备不得连接到学院的网络或 用于访问其技术资源.
  2. 设备安全
    学院 technology department is responsible for ensuring the security of their 设备. 这包括为设备安装最新的安全补丁 to date antivirus software, and implementing appropriate security measures and group 防止未经授权访问的策略. 16 C.F.R. 314.4(c)(2)
  3. 个人设备使用
    Use of personal 设备 to access college data and resources will be allowed if the 设备被认为是兼容的. 兼容的设备必须是最新的操作系统安全 补丁、防病毒定义和浏览器更新. 欲了解更多信息,请 参考大学政策710.500、移动通信设备及配套程序; 1710.500.

D.  网络和互联网的使用

  1. 内部网络接入
    用户只能通过授权的方式连接到学院的网络. 未经授权的 access points, routers, or any other network equipment that may disrupt or compromise 大学网络的完整性、可用性或安全性是被禁止的.
  2. 外部网络接入
    用户 who have a business case approved by their cabinet level supervisor to access 对学院的远程网络,将提供授权的访问方式. 未经授权的 不允许进入.
  3. 互联网接入
    用户应该 use 学院’s internet access for educational, research and work-related 目的. 接触或传播非法的、令人反感的或不适当的材料 通过学校的网络是禁止的.
  4. 带宽使用情况
    用户应该 use 学院’s network resources responsibly and avoid excessive or 不必要的使用可能会降低其他人的网络性能. 活动包括 streaming high-bandwidth media, downloading large personal files, or engaging in online 赌博,除非是经过批准的俱乐部或活动,否则是不允许的.
  5. 监察使用情况
    WVC reserves the right to monitor all network activity, including network and internet 流量,网站使用,下载和流媒体服务.

E.  沟通指引及要求

  1. 多余的电子邮件
    用户 will respect other users by not sending unwanted email messages, flooding the system with spam, sending frivolous or harassing messages or emails of a personal 自然.
  2. 垃圾邮件
    Occasional unsolicited receipt of email should be deleted, report repeated unsolicited 接收电邮至 helpdesk@eatingfish.net.
  3. 通信
    All electronic communications (emails, texts, files, instant messages, voicemail messages) between staff and students are discoverable and subject to Freedom of Information 行动的请求. 不允许使用任何未经授权的通信方法.
  4. 授权通信方式
    When communicating with students, staff members should use one of the following authorized 方法:
    1. 学院提供的邮箱.
    2. OneDrive或SharePoint(文件共享).
    3. 学习管理系统(LMS) Canvas消息传递或类相关文件共享.
    4. 学院提供短信系统.
    5. ctcLink.
    6. 学院网站.

F.  合法使用指南

  1. 受版权保护资源使用
    用户必须 adhere to all local, state, and federal laws and regulations when using copyright protected resources, including software, images, music or other intellectual 财产. 这些必须符合使用 U.S. 版权法案.
  2. 骚扰和网络欺凌
    Transmitting images, sounds, or messages to others which might be considered harassing, 恶意和/或网络欺凌是不允许的.
  3. 非法使用
    Information technology resources may not be used for any illegal or criminal 目的.
  4. 黑客攻击或网络入侵
    用户 may not use college resources to attempt to break into, gain root access, probe, 破坏或阻碍任何系统或网络. 安装侵入性软件或进行测试 任何系统都不允许存在未经授权的安全漏洞.

G. 资料及资讯保安

  1. 数据保护
    用户必须 respect the privacy and confidentiality of collegial data, as well as personal 他人资料. 用户不应尝试访问、复制、修改、共享或删除 未经适当授权的数据或信息.
  2. 密码和认证
    用户必须遵守学院设置的密码和身份验证策略. 用户 should select strong and unique passwords that meet college password requirements, protect their authentication credentials, and not share them with others, including 技术部.
  3. 数据加密
    All transfer of sensitive data via email, including Class 4 data, as outlined in the 州社区委员会 & 技术学院(SBCTC)数据分类 简单的数据,必须加密。. 试图规避电子邮件加密可能会受到纪律处分 诉讼包括解雇、法律诉讼和民事诉讼.
  4. 家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA)合规
    用户必须遵守本规定 Family Educational Rights and Privacy (FERPA),该法案保护学生教育记录的隐私. 用户应该 not access or disclose any student's personally identifiable information without appropriate 授权或合法的教育目的. 20 U.S.C. §1232g, 34 CFR第99部分.
  5. 遵守格雷厄姆-里奇-比利利法案(GLBA)
    用户必须遵守本规定 Graham-Leach-Bliley行为 (GLBA), which requires organizations that offer consumers financial products or services like loans, financial or investment advice, or insurance – to explain their information-sharing 对客户的做法和保护敏感数据. 合规管理包括 要求对所有用户进行年度安全培训.

H. 违反政策的后果

Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, including loss of access privileges, academic penalties, and legal or civil action as deemed appropriate by 学院.

I.  政策评估

This policy will be reviewed periodically and may be modified or updated by 学院 反映技术、法律或学院需要的变化. 用户将收到通知 这一政策的任何变化.


700.200  隐私政策
710.500   移动通信设备策略
1710.500  移动通信设备